If you have been looking up window types and have finally come across casement windows, I have got news for you. You are doing this right! Casement windows bring a lot to the table as replacement windows, which explains their popularity among homeowners. With the right design, they bring a touch of elegance to the appeal of the home. Based on how they operate, these windows allow plenty of fresh air in the room when open, whereas when shut, they significantly reduce energy loss.

But enough of the upsides, because if you are here, it means you know all casement windows have a lot to offer. Your role as a homeowner is learning all there is to know before calling your installer. One crucial thing is understanding how these windows work. Do they open from left to right? Or the right to left? These are questions that will help clarify and make it easy for you to operate them.

The thing about casement windows is that there is no specific rule stating how they should work. As a homeowner, you should choose how you want them to function, and your installer will deliver. How do you make the right choice? Here is some consideration to ponder on before making your decision.

1. Ventilation

Ventilation should be the primary factor governing what to get and where to get them. Having a room with air circulation is essential when getting your windows replaced. To achieve this you can ask your installer to place the windows on different sides of the room. It would also help if the windows opened in the opposite direction, this way air can circulate effectively.

2. Hand Dominance

What is your dominant hand? If you have been to a window replacement consultation, the expert will ask you this question. The contractor will then advise you to get a hinged window on the side of your dominant hand. You may not think much of it, but it will make opening and closing the windows easier, more so if they are placed in areas that are hard to reach.

3. Whatever Looks Best

 Part of the reason people decide to replace their windows is to boost their aesthetics. Casement windows are naturally beautiful, but you should get them in the right orientation if you are going to get the most of them. If your windows do not compliment the room when they are open, it could clash with your interior’s look. So, ensure you think hard about whether they look good when opening from left to right or right to left.

Window replacement is a project that requires a lot of thought, especially on the homeowner’s end. From the frame design to get downright to how you want the window to get, all these are important decisions one needs to make. But don’t go about it alone; you can get our remodeling service to assign you an expert to guide you by arriving at the best decision for you.
