Nothing like a cramped-up kitchen to set off your claustrophobia. No one likes to be in a squeezed kitchen space, where fires are burning, water is boiling, and liquids are spilling. It not just uncomfortable but dangerous. Maximizing your kitchen storage allows more workspace for you and stretches out the room, improving its general appearance. 

Thanks to kitchen remodeling, your small-spaced kitchen no longer has to crank up your style. You can hire a contractor from us to create more storage space during the remodel. How? Read on to find out some useful tips to help you get the most storage out of your kitchen remodel.

1. Add To Your Cabinets With Shelves

Open shelves are a must-have if you are considering improving storage in your kitchen. The space between your ceiling and cabinets is a hidden gem you can explore with your contractor. You can have open shelves set up on top of the cabinets, which would serve as great storage space for items you are constantly using in the kitchen.

 2. Consider A Pantry

Contrary to the assumption, pantries are not meant for the large, lavish kitchens only. Pantries are space savers for kitchen remodels. Homeowners can choose to convert an unused room into a pantry to help save up on kitchen space. A pantry will not only give you additional storage, but it will also free up space in the kitchen. You will see a change in the appearance and feel of the room. 

3. An Island Works Wonders

Kitchen islands are the most versatile features you can add to your kitchen remodel plan. Not only does it serve as a workstation in the cooking area, but it also works well as a dining space. While the top of the island can hold appliances, you can use the bottom for storage drawers. Share the idea with your kitchen remodeler and maximize the space. 

4. Install Two Tire Drawers

A vase on your kitchen counter with long utensils sticking out is never a good look for your kitchen. So, why not invest in two-tire drawers instead of one. A second drawer shelf means additional space where you can store more kitchen items. It will have your kitchen looking organized while enhancing its overlook. 

5. Make Pegboards Your Friends

Whether you are working with a big or small kitchen, pegboards are something to consider getting during your kitchen remodel. The pots and saucepans that are too big for the cabinets cannot just stay on the cooker or countertops until you need to use them. To avoid having a cluttered kitchen, you can hang them on a pegboard. It will create more space for storage, and also, there’s an aesthetic that hanged pots bring in your kitchen space, so this is a win-win. 

We all know sufficient storage is essential in the kitchen. Homeowners can use any of the tips mentioned above when kitchen remodeling to attain more space. These tips should give you more storage space while ensuring the kitchen appears neat and amazing.